Technology in Forwarding

Technology isn’t your enemy. It’s here to help us. It’s here to help shape the way we conduct business and reinvent processes for the better. We often think tools and technologies are doing nothing unless we witness critical error resolution, short-term revenue increases, or some other tangible evidence of benefits.
We should have a more pragmatic and less emotional response in order to understand this process. During our lifetime we often impulse purchase and make rash decisions. For example, we may purchase a car because of how it makes us feel, rather than the practicalities of it. This is the same for “showroom” factors in the technology industry which makes freight forwarders feel like they are “stepping up” to another level. However, we know that when it comes to running a business, most of the time it comes down to dollars and cents.
When it comes to making these decisions, it’s helpful to form a pro and con list on whether a tool is the right choice for your business. Below we provide three 3 questions you can ask to help make the decision easier.

1. Does it speak your language?

We are not referring to your spoken language, but rather, your data language. Lots of solutions on the market only format data in a certain way, which is fine for many in the industry, but for others, they may need much more demand from a technology. Make sure you know what your partners are using, and the direction the industry is moving towards. This will help you make the decision of whether your solution has the flexibility to change and grow as the technology evolves.
Luckily, there are SaaS products (Software as a Service), which operate on any modern device simply through a web browser. For example, Logitude application is an example of a system that constantly updates and enhances to reflect the changing needs of the technology. Updates never need to take place on your company machines, and there won’t be any need for planning or schedule for changes. You simply know that when you log in, you’ll always have the latest and most efficient version of software available to ensure your business stays competitive.

2. Is it cost effective?

This is without fail one of, if not the most, important factors when choosing and evaluating a platform to serve your needs today and beyond. Basically, is it worth the money? This can actually be a difficult question to answer. A tool for the future should also make people work smarter as well as being affordable. Many businesses use a variety of tools to complete their tasks. Many solutions are integrated ones, which offer a variety of flexible features that will allow your business to thrive. For example, Logitude doesn’t just manage cargo – it also has invoicing, accounting, and profit/loss analysis tools among others that allow your business to prosper.
You’ll need some change in perspective if you want to successfully adapt the technologies of today and build for tomorrow. By consolidating your functions into a single solution to manage information efficiently, smoothly, and effectively, you’ll give your business the best chance of thriving. The process of migrating to one consolidated solution will certainly change your perspective.

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Logitude World provides freight forwarders with advanced freight forwarding software to manage all operations on one digital platform and deliver superior freight services.

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