Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.
Since Logitude’s SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.
This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced.
New Features
Document Management
Document Management Tool
The new document management tool has been designed to enable users to manage their documents easily by accessing the document library directly from a shipment or quote, and choosing from a variety of templates the ones that best suit their business. The Add Document from Library option in the Docs Out page of an entity lists the documents that have not been included in the entity. It shows when the templates were last updated, and lets you preview the templates and add them to the entity at a click.
Print Option
The Print option has gone through a facelift, and it provides the following novelties:
? You can choose a template via the Templates dropdown list, without having to go through editing. Logitude immediately builds the document based on the selected template.
? The Manage Templates option can be used to set a template as default, mark a template as inactive, and edit the template. Via this option, you can also add templates from the document library.
? The Edit option in the Print window lets you edit the document before printing.
? The Additional Printing Fields of a document now appear in the Print window. From here, you can use the Edit Printing Fields option to edit the fields.
? The last update time of the document displays in the Print window, and if any changes were made in the shipment in the meantime, just clicking the Update Now button delivers an updated document.
Message Send Option
The new and enhanced template management options have also been added to the Send Message page that is used for sending notices and notifications to partners.
New Documents
Logitude supports more document types: Release Notes – May 2015 | 1
AP Invoice for Multiple Shipments
In response to customer requests, we have developed an option that enables the user to record a payable invoice containing charges for more than one shipment, in a single process. This option will save you time, while allowing you to double-check the invoice totals. To use this option, go to Accounting | Accounts Payable | New.
Accounting Transfer
We have developed a new interface for transferring invoice data to external accounting systems – Logitude Advanced Generic Interface. With this interface, the transfer program generates an XML file that includes invoice details as well as the shipment data.
CRM Reports
Customer Potential vs Actual
This report is designed as a sales management tool that helps you track customer performance for a selected time frame, comparing potential levels to actual results. The information is presented per product, for customers you have ticked for tracing (enabled the Activity Watch option for customer). Sales can be measured by the number of shipments, TEU, Chargeable Weight and Revenue. Via the report you can drill down into the customer records.
Customer Additional Services
With this report you can monitor the customers you have ticked for tracing (enabled the Activity Watch option for customer) and the additional services they might potentially use or are already using. The report can be filtered by the different additional services you provide and by business units.
Help & Training Sources
Logitude offers more help & training sources that you can access from the How To area of the Getting Started page:
Enhanced Features
Account Manager
The Account Manager field has been added to the General page of the Shipment for specifying the person who is operationally responsible for the customer.
Domestic Shipping to Another EC Country
It is possible to create Domestic shipments from one EC country (Origin) to another EC country (Destination). Release Notes – May 2015 | 2
Search Shipments by Additional Keys
You can search shipment records now also by Main Carriage Carrier code and name, and by Salesman.
Price Breaks in Routing Rates Quotes
In quotes of Routing Rates type, it is now possible to manage prices by breaks for all charges, and not just for freight charges based on weight. The quote documents have been adjusted to print this information.
Improvements in Quotes
The following improvements have been introduced to Quotes:
? The Transit Time and Departure Frequency fields have been added to the Details page.
? The ETD and ETA fields have been added to the Routings page.
? In the Partners page, it is now possible to add an Agent and set it as “My Customer”.
All of these fields can also be displayed in the Quote Queries and printed in the messages.
New Tabs in the AWB Wizard
The Other Partners tab has been added to the AWB Wizard for entering the Nominated Handling Party and Other Participant Information.
The OCI tab is now also available in the House AWB Wizard.
Improvements in e-AWB Expected Departures
The Expected Departures tool in the e-AWB module has been improved to show all shipments in the past seven days that have an expected departure time (ETD) but no actual time (ATD).
Payable Statuses
The Payable Status column in Shipment Queries shows the following statuses:
? No Payables – there are no payable items
? Open – there are open amounts that have not been accounted
? Closed – all the payable amounts have been accounted
New Shipment Query Columns
The following columns are available for display in Shipment Queries: Opened By, Salesman and Account Manager. Release Notes – May 2015 | 3
New Filter in Container Trucking Report
A new filter option has been added to the Container Trucking report for filtering the data by Agents.
Template Editor
Save As Optionr
The Save As option has been added to the Template Editor so that you can save an edited version of a template under a new name, without overwriting the original.
Insert Data Fields
The list of fields displayed for selection via the Insert Data Field option has been improved and it is now shorter, showing only the most relevant fields.
Login History in Users Workspace
We have extended the Users Workspace so that you can now see the login history of a user.
Roles and Permissions
The role and permission descriptions in the Users table have been edited to make them easy to understand.
New Ports in the Ports Table
The Ports table has been updated with new ports, based on UN/LOCODE codes.
Contact Information
For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.
For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please contact: support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.
Happy New Release!
The Logitude World Team

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Logitude World provides freight forwarders with advanced freight forwarding software to manage all operations on one digital platform and deliver superior freight services.

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