Can I customize Logitude by myself?

There are many things in Logitude that you customize yourself: you can create your own queries, add and design email messages to customers or other partners, upload a company logo, set the signatures for your outgoing emails, and many more. However, there are things that you will need your distributor or the Logitude team to […]

Can I ask for developments other than customization?

Of course you can and we would even like you to. We learn from our customer requests and make the Logitude service better. If all of our customers can benefit from your request, we will do it for free. We cannot however guarantee an end date for such work as it depends on our roadmap […]

What if I need customization that takes more than 2 free days?

Then we might decide to ask for payment. If you submit the full customization request in advance, we will be able to let you know ahead of time if it all fits in the free days. And anyhow you don’t need to worry – we charge only USD 650 per work day.

Do I need to be a customer to receive free customization?

We will satisfy many of your requests while you are still in the trial environment, but we will ask you to subscribe in order for us to perform the more complicated stuff. We are sure you understand that we will need some commitment.

When will the customization be done?

Usually we do most of the customization within a week or two. More complicated tasks (such as new documents) might take more time.

How can I ensure that everything I need is free?

Very easy – you have a 30 day free trial period during which you have full access to the Logitude service. Please check all the documents and forms needed. In most  cases, you can choose between different layouts of the same document to find the one that best fits your needs. When ready, send us […]

Is customization free?

Customization is free but limited to Business Package customers and to a maximum of two work days. Economy Package customers can enjoy free customization only when related to the invoice layout.

What type of customization can I ask the Logitude team to do for me?

There are many things we can do for you. Please ask us! Following are some examples: Make changes in the invoice layout (you might need languages other than English) or in other documents, add documents that are missing, add necessary fields, upload your customers list into the system, and more.

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Logitude World provides freight forwarders with advanced freight forwarding software to manage all operations on one digital platform and deliver superior freight services.

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City of Wilmington,
Country of New Castle, 19801,
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