Container Tracking Module

Track, Automate, Optimize and Stay Updated

Elevate your ocean freight operations and stay up-to-date on the status of your containers. With Logitude's innovative module, you can effortlessly track your containers and receive accurate automated updates.

Shipment routing timeline

Advantages of Implementing a Container Tracking Module

Logitude’s Container Tracking Module is your ideal partner in solving complex logistical challenges, offering control, visibility, and cost-efficiency at your fingertips.

Enhance Tracking 

Increase Productivity

Improve Visibility

Your Smartest Way to Track Containers

Eliminate manual data collection 

You no longer have to go back and forth between different websites to collect data or manually update containers’ status. Logitude is handling all your time-consuming daily tasks by automating the container tracking process so you can reduce manual effort and errors and achieve efficiency.

Maximize visibility with integrated tracking technology

You can view accurate and up-to-date container data inside Logitude’s freight forwarding software which allows you to track the route of the containers and be completely aware of their current stage at any time.

Improve customers’ satisfaction

The integration of the container tracking module with Logitude's Customer Digital Portal helps you enhance your visibility and transparency. And allows you to provide customers with accurate information about their shipments and keep them informed of any delays.

Boost Efficiency and Reduce Costs

Ocean exceptions are managed smartly

Stay Alert for Any Exceptions

In case of any exceptions, the system will automatically alert you and your staff of the status of the containers to quickly identify and resolve any issues that may arise. Additionally, you can send automatic notifications and reports to customers to keep  them informed of any changes.

Avoid Demurrage & Detention Fees

Reduce demurrage and detention charges on your containers by using Logitude’s container tracking system, which lets you track your containers in real-time and remain informed about container discharge, gate-out, and empty return dates.

You never have to deal with these challenges again:

Wasting time on manual data entry

Decline in customer satisfaction

Lack of real-time visibility

Unnecessary Demurrage & Detention Fees

Our advanced container tracking system is here to ease all your past worries!

We cover 95% of the global containers volumes through major ocean carriers:

ANL Logo
WESTWOOD Shipping Lines Logo
Uang Ming Logo
WESTWOOD Shipping Lines Logo
Uang Ming Logo

Get Your Own 
Container Tracking Module

container tracking
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Logitude World provides freight forwarders with advanced freight forwarding software to manage all operations on one digital platform and deliver superior freight services.

Logitude World Contact Details
State of Delaware, 108 West 13th Street,
City of Wilmington,
Country of New Castle, 19801,
United States

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