Time: 2:20

Shippers value a customer for life. Though these days the Loyalty ship has sailed. Just like people who buy books, clothes, electronics, or insurance – when your customers shop for freight charges they ask lots of vendors for quotes on the fly and choose one without long-term commitment, diverting your attention to creating non-stop quotes. Many, of course, may not turn into business means that you have less time to focus on operations. Now you probably know that growing businesses have stopped trying to effectively track customers and quotes with Excel and Outlook. Instead, your competition uses CRM systems. They’re planning on the market and you need one, but a generic CRM will not do. Yours should be designed for Freight forwarders and understand cargo, with tools, options, and terminology that matches your workflow right out of the box. That’s Logitude CRM! It’s a real game changer!
Because it’s integrated with operations so your sales teams see the trends, statistics, warnings, profit margins, and customer history. Just imagine quotes automatically becoming shipments and then in just a click turning into invoices, A customer’s potential volume compared to actual data with an alert triggered when volume drops and that’s just the beginning. The Logitude CRM comes with extensive tools for managing quotes activities, opportunities, customers, and more! It’s loaded with business tools like dashboards. Information on the CRM and operational data creating a quote is easy, and you can choose from existing templates or customize your own and in just a couple of clicks you can email the quote to the customer by using the Outlook connection tool. To file an email received from a customer synchronize Logitude meetings or check your Logitude stats on your mobile and there’s a lot more. To explore why not take for a free 30-day trial?
Logitude: Shared logistics, any time, any where

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Logitude World fournit aux transitaires un logiciel de transport de fret avancé pour gérer toutes les opérations sur une seule plateforme numérique et fournir des services de fret de qualité supérieure.

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State of Delaware, 108 West 13th Street,
City of Wilmington,
Country of New Castle, 19801

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