Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.

Since Logitude’s SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.

This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced.

New Features

BI Reports: Master and Master Charges Facts

The BI Reports module which helps you query data from the Logitude DWH, will now allow you to create reports based on master shipments and master receivable and payable charges. The pilot phase of the BI Reports Master and Master Charges features will be available two weeks after the release. 

To explore the new feature, please contact us at support@logitudeworld.com.

Private Central Data Warehousing 

Logitude now comes with a Private Data Warehousing (DWH) feature that allows admission to a central database containing the data from all of your company’s offices (managed in separate Logitude tenants). This makes it possible to connect to any external Business Intelligence (BI) software and generate reports based on all of your data. 

For more details about activation and pricing, please contact us at support@logitudeworld.com (First Class License required).

AP Invoices Automation 

The Automation mechanism has recently been extended to allow users to define automatic email results from the Payable Invoices (AP) entity. With this option, emails can be sent to advise users internally that the invoice was saved, approved or that it needs to be paid.

All Automation definitions can be found in the Maintenance | Automation screen.

Default Attachments to Messages

While sending messages, the system can now display a default list of document attachments. The default attachments for a document type are defined using the Select Default Attachments option in the message template (Maintenance Menu | Others | Document Types).

Shared Documents Link in Messages to Customers

The new View Shared Documents data field can be added to message templates in order to generate a link for customers to view the shared documents without having to log in to Shared Logistics. The documents will be displayed according to permissions defined in Shared Logistics.

Enhanced Features

Quotation Enhancements

Quotation and Mail Templates: Font Type and Size

In quotations as well as in all other mail templates, it is no longer necessary to select text in order to see its font type and size – the editor toolbar has been adjusted to show these details currently.

Automation Improvements

Shipments Entity in AR Invoices Automation

While creating an AR Invoices automation, it is now possible to define conditions based on field values from the Shipment entity. 

Delayed Automation Based on Variable Dates

The delayed email result option has been extended and it can now be set off before or after a variable date. For example, an email can be sent to a bill to partner when their invoice due date ‘is 2 days before today’. 

Accounting Improvements 

AP Invoice: Total VAT only 

The new Enable Entering Total VAT parameter in the Accounts Payable (Advanced) section of Accounting Settings activates the Total VAT option for AP invoices. This option has been added to accommodate for cases where the vendor invoice does not specify a VAT per line – it lets users enter a single VAT amount for the invoice total instead of adding in-line VAT amounts.

Accounting Transfer: Multi-VAT

The Accounting Transfer mechanism has been improved to better process the VAT Types translations for invoices with multi-VAT types. 

INTTRA e-Booking Adjustments

As per the e2open EDI Validation Program

INTTRA by e2open is raising the standards of booking requests submitted to carriers.  Cargo Gross Weight and Contract/Tariff Number will be required in all EDI booking requests on the following dates:

  • Gross Weight validation activation: January 11,2021
  • Contract Number validation activation:  February 22, 2021

Modifications to the E-booking Process

The following modifications have been made to the INTTRA e-booking process:

  • Gross Weight is now a mandatory entry.
  • Contract# has been added to the shipment Order tab, as a mandatory entry.
  • Main Harmonize has been added to the shipment Order tab. This field will be mapped to INTTRA when no shipment packages have been entered and there are order packages.

New User Licenses 

In a multi-package environment, the relevant licenses can be assigned to each new user right after creating the user.

EORI Number Management 

The EORI Number (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number) field has been added to the General tab of the customer record, under the VAT Number.

ABM Interface Adjustments 

The VAT and EORI fields of the customers have been mapped to the ABM customs transmissions.

Shipment API: Pickup/Delivery Dates 

The Pickup and delivery dates have been added to the shipment APIs.

New Document Templates

The following document templates have been added to Logitude’s Document Library:

  • Spanish Arrival Notice: A new template for the Arrival Notice document in Spanish.
  • Spanish Pickup Note: A new template for the Pickup Note document in Spanish.
  • Spanish Delivery Note: A new template for the Delivery Note document in Spanish.
  • French Delivery Note: A new template for the Delivery Note document in French.
  • French AR Payment: A new template for the AR Payment document in French.

Contact Information

For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.

For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please open a ticket at support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.

For Sales, please contact: info@logitudeworld.com

Happy New Release!

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Logitude World fournit aux transitaires un logiciel de transport de fret avancé pour gérer toutes les opérations sur une seule plateforme numérique et fournir des services de fret de qualité supérieure.

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