Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.
Since Logitude’s SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.
This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced.

New Features

Logitude Mobile

Logitude Mobile is a mobile application for smart phones (iPhone and Android), that delivers ongoing shipment updates and tracking details. Shipment information is presented using visualizations that help identify the shipments and the events at a glance.
Logitude Mobile comes with predefined queries that provide up-to-date information on all the open shipments, by direction (import/export) and also by departure and arrival times. In all of these queries, shipments are listed by status updates. From a query, users can drill down into any shipment to view partner and package details, events, routing information, and more. Telephone numbers and email addresses on a partner page can be used for direct communication with the partner.
Additional tools such as Follow and Notifications help users easily detect exceptional events and allow for more efficient tracing of shipment updates.
To learn more, please contact us at info@logitudeworld.com.
Note that for technical reasons, Logitude Mobile might not work in some countries. If you face a problem, please contact our helpdesk.

Compliance with SOLAS Requirements

To keep pace with the new SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) regulations that went into effect on July 1, we introduced the following:

  • Two new fields in the Container dialog box (access via the Packages tab of FCL shipments):
  • VGM – for adding the verified gross mass.
  • Method Used – for choosing the weighing method to be used:

– Method 1: Requires weighing the full container after it has been stuffed/loaded and sealed.
– Method 2: Requires weighing all the cargo and contents of the container and adding those
weights to the container’s tare weight as indicated on the door end of the container.

  • A new document – SOLAS VGM Declaration Form – allows you to provide accurate VGMs to the carriers and/or consolidators before the arrival of the container units at the port. You can get this new document from the Document Library. It is similar to the Shipping Declaration document, but contains the additional details: VGM and Method Used.

Multiple Sales Currency Support in Quotes

Logitude now supports the use of multiple currencies in the Quotes module. While building a quote, you will be able to opt for the preferred way: either use a fixed sales currency (as before) or set the cost currency as the sales currency. The choice is made via the Charges tab of the quote record. A use case example for the multiple currency option: With two charges in two different cost currencies (USD and EUR), the sales amount will be calculated in USD for the first charge and in EUR for the second. The total charges will be presented by currencies, one line by currency used – e.g. 2500 USD and 1000 EUR.
New quote templates containing the multiple sales currency option have been added to the Document Library.

Localization for the Ethiopian Market

A set of customizable, tax-related fields – TIN number and place – can be added to the tabs of your customer and vendor records, as well as to document templates such as Shipping Declaration, Prealert, AR and AP invoices and payments. To use such fields, contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you!

The Required Document Feature in Docs In

A new option has been added to the Docs In tab of shipment records to allow users to mark an incoming document as “required”.
New message variables have been introduced that will enable you to compose messages to relevant recipients, which will show lists of:

  • Required Documents: All incoming documents marked as required.
  • Received Documents: All incoming documents that were set as received.
  • Missed Documents: All incoming documents marked as required but not set as received.

Enhanced Features

Adjustments in the Payment Terms Table

Two new fields – From Date and Current Month – have been added in the Payment Terms table. The From Date can be the Invoice Date (if filled) or the entity date (e.g. shipment date). When the Current Month option is selected and one of the Net (e.g. +15) options chosen for Payment Terms, then the Due Date is automatically calculated from the beginning of the next month (for example, if the From Date is set to July 12 and the terms are Net +15 in May, the due date will be August 16).
With the new adjustments, it will be possible to start calculating the Due Date from the shipment date onwards (and not only from the Invoice Date as before).
AR and AP invoices calculate the Due Date based on these payment terms.

Improvements in Package Items – Personal Effects

A new field – Value – has been added to the Package Items area of the Package dialog box (access via the Packages tab of a shipment), for specifying a value per package item. This option is mainly useful for packages containing personal effects.
This new field can also be printed in all relevant documents, such as packing lists. To add it to any of those documents, please contact us.

New Query Columns

The following columns are now available for display in queries. You can add these new columns to your customized views.

  • Invoice Currency: in Agents views (Maintenance | Partners | Agents).
  • Main Carriage Vessel Name and Booking Confirmation Number: in Shipment queries.

Search Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable by Additional Keys

You can records now also by Payment Reference. As you enter the reference number of a payment in the search box, the right payment will automatically show up in search results.


  • You can search your list of Contacts now also by Company Name. As you enter the name of a company in the search box, the related contact(s) will appear in the search results.
  • The Customer Size field can be used as a column and a filter in Customer views.
  • Two new email-related events have been added to the opportunity entity:

Email in: Shows when an email message was received, the user and the date.
Email out: Shows when an email message was sent, the user and the date.

  • In the CRM Opportunities and Activities Queries, the Activity With column shows the relevant user or contact according to the activity type (for example, the owner in a task activity).

Shipment Accounting Close

It is no longer required to delete receivable and/or payable charges with no amounts in order to perform the Accounting Close procedure in a shipment. The procedure can be applied easily with no restrictions.

New Document and Template Options

Logitude’s Document Library continues to grow. It now contains more documents and improved templates that you can bring into your work environment:

  • Document Receipt Advice: This template can be used to mark all the documents received in relation to a certain shipment, so as to track the missing ones.
  • Delivery Order: New template in Turkish.
  • Delivery Note: Improved template containing inside package details and the truck number.


Contact Information

For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.
For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please contact: support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.
For Sales, please contact: info@logitudeworld.com
Happy New Release!
The Logitude World Team

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Logitude World fournit aux transitaires un logiciel de transport de fret avancé pour gérer toutes les opérations sur une seule plateforme numérique et fournir des services de fret de qualité supérieure.

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City of Wilmington,
Country of New Castle, 19801

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