Logitude Release Notes – Version R2.19
May 2019

Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.
Since Logitude’s SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.
This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced

Enhanced Features

Quotes Module Developments

Ocean Quote – FCL/LCL Conversion

The shipment type of an ocean quote can now be altered from FCL to LCL or from LCL to FCL (for example, if you want to give your customer two alternative quotes to choose from). The conversion can be performed in ocean quotes of both Spot Rate and Routing Rates types, which have not yet been connected to shipments. The conversion is easily performed via the Convert option from the More button.

Opportunities in Connected Entities

Opportunities related to a quote will now appear under the Connected Entities tab of that quote, making it easy to navigate to those opportunity entities.

Copy Quotes with More Details

In addition to names of charges and total amounts, the Copy option now copies more details from one quote to another. These include: sales/cost minimum and maximum amounts, and charge notes. 

Edit Quote Weight

The Gross Weight and Chargeable Weight fields in the Packages tab of quotes can now be edited. The edited values will be copied from one quote to another (the Copy function) and to the order packages tab in shipments built from the relevant quotes.

Shipment Direction and Type Conversion

To avoid the process of canceling shipments that were created with the wrong direction or type, the following features have been added to the Shipments module. The direction in a shipment can be modified in Edit mode, using the Convert  Direction option from the More menu.

Direction Conversion

The conversion is a simple process needing only some relevant mandatory entries. For example, to change the direction from export to import, you will need to fill the consignee field if not previously entered in the shipment.  

FCL/LCL Conversion

In Ocean shipments that are not created from quotes, you are allowed to change the type from FCL to LCL or from LCL to FCL. This is done by selecting the Convert to LCL or Convert to FCL option from the More menu. 

Vehicle/Car Details in Packages

The capabilities in shipment packages have been extended to accommodate the possibility of managing vehicle details. This new development helps users to add details to vehicle-type packages, print those details in several documents and messages, share them with the customer via Shared Logistics, and print reports listing the packages of vehicle type.
To activate this feature, you need to set on the Is Vehicle parameter for the relevant package type, via Maintenance | Others.
For more details, please contact us at support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com

Auto Display of Charges Based on Direction

The capability of defining Charge Types to auto-display in quote, shipment and master entities has been further extended to support auto-display based on the entity direction (export, import, domestic or drop). For example, to show the charge type “handling” only in Air Export shipments, it is sufficient to navigate to that charge type (Maintenance | Billings | Charge Types) and set on the Air and Export parameters under the Transport and Auto Display sections.

Receivable Invoice Number Stocks

A new capability has been developed to support cases (countries) where a stock of invoice numbers from an external source needs to be used instead of Logitude’s generic invoice counter, and even two different stocks might have to be employed depending on different processes. With this new feature, you will be able to manage several invoice stocks, using prefixes before consecutive numbers, and easily track their usage.
To activate and manage the new invoice stocks, navigate to Advanced Accounting Settings (from Accounting | Settings | Account Settings | Advanced Settings) and click on Manage Stocks.
For more details, please contact us at support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com

Accounting Improvements

Show Customized AR Invoice Views in Spotlight Mode

Selecting the Show in Spotlight Mode option in the Create New/Edit Receivable Invoices View window, switches on the Spotlight feature for a customized view. The Spotlight icon (Plus button) then appears on the AR invoice lines for quickly checking the shipment number and status from where the invoice was created.

Payable Invoices Summary

For easier access to the payable invoices connected to a specific shipment (similar to the Receivables area), the footer in the Payables screen has been adjusted to show the number of invoices created from that page with the possibility to zoom in to each invoice regardless of its status (draft, approved, etc.) and type (debit or credit).

QuickBooks Online: India – Place of Supply

For our Indian customers, we improved the interface with QBO to send the place of supply from Logitude to QBO, so that regional taxes are calculated correctly.

Adjustment to Consolidated Invoices Feature

The following adjustment has been made to the Consolidated Invoices feature: When set on, the Consolidated Invoices option in the customer profile acts as the default selection. Setting this default is optional since the system now allows you to specify whether an invoice is Constituent or not, while creating the invoice.

List of AR Invoices for Shipment

A new variable – AR Invoices, that lists all the AR Invoice numbers has been added to shipments. You can send this field in messages and documents, and display it in shipment queries.

Number Formatting – Localization

A new option – Number Format, has been added to the Local Settings (Getting Started | Customize Logitude) per company, so that a different format can be chosen for the decimal symbol and the digits grouping symbol. For example, instead of showing a number in the current format: 123,465.78 users can change it to: 123.456,78.

Automation Adjustment

The following adjustment has been made in the Automation mechanism (access via Maintenance | System Settings | Automations): Where the result of a shipment or master automation is an email to be sent out to specific contacts, only active users can be selected in the Users field.

Session Closing Confirmation Message

The system will issue an alert message each time you click to close a tab that has unsaved changes, so that you will not lose your data.

Position Column in Contacts List

In the Contacts List opened from the Send Message dialog box for choosing the mail recipients, a new column – Position, has been added to show the contact person’s position.

Trucker Code Size

The length of the trucker code has been increased from 4 to 6 characters so that a country’s local codes can be used.

System Performance Enhancements

We continually monitor the performance of Logitude in order to provide high-quality user experience. Among the numerous performance enhancements applied to the software code, you will notice improvements in the following places:

  • All operational queries (Shipments, Masters, Import Shipments…)
  • Quick Search fields in workspaces and query pages (operational, accounting…)

Page Break in Message Templates

The Page Break function has been added to the message template editor so that page breaks can be inserted in texts while formatting mail templates.

New Variables in Reports and Documents

Logitude allows you to customize your documents, and manage your own templates. We continue to improve these options and add more variables for selection.
In this version, the following new variables have been added to different documents and reports:

Variables in Messages and Documents

  • Package Types and Container Numbers can be used in shipment messages. The former prints shipment package types separated by commas while the latter prints the container numbers separated by commas.
  • Consolidator Name can be printed on the Plain Paper AWB document.
  • Package Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3 can be printed on the Forwarder’s Bill of Lading template.

Variables in Reports


Notes: a variable that displays the invoice notes per each line in the Statement report.

Unpaid Invoices Report

Bill To Name: a variable that displays the name of the Bill To of each invoice.

AR Invoices Including VAT and Routings

Profit in Local Currency and Profit in Profit Currency: new variables that display the invoice profit in local and profit currencies.
To create new report templates using these variables, please contact us at support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com and we will be more than happy to assist you!

New Help & Training Resources

The Help Center is continually enriched with helpful training materials that provide answers to your inquiries and help you better understand the system’s features. The following has been added recently:

  •  How to Issue a Consolidated Invoice – an updated version of the document that explains how to work with constituent and consolidated invoices.

Contact Information

For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.
For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please open a ticket at https://support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.
For Sales, please contact: info@logitudeworld.com
Happy New Release!
The Logitude World Team

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Logitude World fournit aux transitaires un logiciel de transport de fret avancé pour gérer toutes les opérations sur une seule plateforme numérique et fournir des services de fret de qualité supérieure.

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