Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.
Since Logitude’s SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.
This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced.

New Features

Integration with QuickBooks Online – AP Invoices

The integration of Logitude’s Accounts Payable with the QuickBooks accounting software is now complete, so that in addition to receivable invoices, you can connect payable invoices to QuickBooks Online. To start working with the pilot version, please contact us.

Multiple VAT Types in Invoices

The Multiple VAT Types feature allows you to administer different VAT rates in the lines of a receivable invoice. The invoice totals show the calculated VAT amounts and the percentages separately for each VAT type in the invoice. This option can be switched on via a parameter in your Accounting Settings.
The Multiple VAT Types option also applies to payable invoices received from vendors.

Credit Limit Management – New Developments

Two new developments make it more flexible to use the Credit Limit mechanism:

Credit Limit Override

Authorized users will now be able to issue invoices to customers that have exceeded their credit limit amount. This feature will be enabled by assigning Credit Limit permissions to the roles of the relevant users.

Credit Limit Blocked Shipments Query

A new Shipment Query – Credit Limit Blocked – has been added (under Others) so that you can view the shipments with invoices blocked due to credit limit.

Advanced Generic Interface for Transferring AP Invoices to Accounting Systems

The Advanced Generic Interface has been further developed and, in addition to Accounts Receivable invoices, it now enables customers to transfer Accounts Payable invoices to external accounting systems.
Via the Generic Interface, it is also possible to transfer receivable payments to external accounting systems.

Permission to Download CRM Entity Reports to Excel

Downloading opportunity, activity, customer and contact views to Excel can now be controlled via user role permissions. Permissions can be set to allow or prevent a user to download records of all CRM entities or specific ones.

Shipment Profit vs. Quote Estimate Report

A new report – Shipment Profit vs. Quote Estimate – has been added to the CRM section of the Reports to let you compare the actual profit from shipments with the estimated profit from quotes. This report is another sales management tool that helps you trace customer and salesmen performance, for a selected time frame.

New Document Templates

The following document templates have been added to Logitude’s Document Library:

Templates in English

  • Proof of Delivery (PoD): a new format for the current PoD document, which can be sent to the consignee to prove that the goods are delivered.
  • Collection Note: a document containing details of the collected goods, which can be sent to your customer.

Templates in French

  • Facture en Français: a new template for the normal invoice in French.
  • Bordereau de remise des documents à la compagnie: A document used for shipping lines where most of the shipment details are included. You can find it as a new template under the Delivery Note document.
  • Document de déclaration de la Masse brute vérifiée (VGA): A new format of the SOLAS VGM Declaration document in French.

Enhanced Features

Inland Transportation

The following enhancements have been introduced to the Inland Transportation module:

  • The Trailer Number is available in the Main Carriage section of the Routings in an inland shipment.
  • The Trailer Number is also available as a query column in Shipments and Masters views.
  • CMR/RWB# in the Main Carriage route has been changed to be CMR/RWB#/PRO#.

Adjustment to the Package Rebuild Process

The process of rebuilding packages in a master connected to house shipments has been adjusted:  when the Rebuild Package option is now activated from the Packages tab of a master, all packages manually added to the master are removed and the packages from the connected house shipments are added.

Required Payment Method – Useful for Mexican Localization Requirements

A new setting – Requested Payment Method is Required – has been added to Account Settings for defining a payment method as mandatory when creating invoices.
Furthermore, a Required Payment Method field has been added to receivable invoices and to payments. Its value will be passed while transferring invoices to external accounting systems via the Generic and the Advanced Generic Interfaces.

e-Booking Flight Date Adjustments

The Manual Data Entry of the flight date in the Booking Wizard is no longer dim in the following cases:

  • When searching for a flight that is not found.
  • When using an interline flight.

Invoice Number Display in Invoice Attachments

When attaching documents to outgoing email messages, the invoice number now displays next to each invoice in the list of available documents.

Improvements in Container Fields

The following fields in the Add/Edit Container dialog box have been adjusted:

  • Description – up to 1000 characters can be entered.
  • Marks and Numbers – up to 350 characters can be entered.

New Variables in Documents

Several new variables have been added to different documents:

  • Origin, Destination and Master: can be shown on the Profit by Shipment Statistics report.
  • Shipment Number, Payment Type and Reference: can be shown on the Bank Deposit report.
  • Final Destination: can be printed on the Forwarder’s Bill of Lading document.

To add these variables to your templates, contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you!

New Help & Training Resources

The Help Center is continually enriched with helpful training materials that provide answers to your inquiries and help you better understand the system’s features. The following have been added recently:

  • VAT Type Management – a new document that shows how to use the VAT Types table, define default VAT types, and apply VAT rates in receivable and payable invoices.
  • QuickBooks Online Connection Setup and Activation – a new document that shows how to set up and activate the connection to QuickBooks Online.
  • Spanish version of the How to Build a Consolidation Shipment
  • Spanish version of the Shared Logistics & Mobile


Contact Information

For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.
For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please contact: support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.
For Sales, please contact: info@logitudeworld.com
Happy New Release!
The Logitude World Team

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Logitude World fournit aux transitaires un logiciel de transport de fret avancé pour gérer toutes les opérations sur une seule plateforme numérique et fournir des services de fret de qualité supérieure.

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