Finding the Best Freight Broker Software

A lot of freight brokers need software that incorporates different applications to maximize their business’s efficiency. Freight management software, also called transportation management software (TMS) can help these companies manage all aspects of business by organizing and standardizing their system. With an abundance of freight management software available, selecting the software that’s right for your business can prove difficult. So how does one choose the best software?
No freight broker software is created the equal, though they may have the same function. Every company believes their software to be the best. Regardless of a company’s proclamations of being the best, there are software that out-performs the competition. Here are some questions to ask when researching which TMS is right for your business.

Who was the TMS created for?

While some TMS software was created for fleets and carriers, others were created for shipping and warehouse personnel. You want to use software that was created specifically for your business. Otherwise, you run the risk of paying for bulky software with many functionalities that you do not need. You also run the risk of spending way too much time training employees on how to use a system’s functionality that is of no use to them. Time is money, and that could be a huge waste of money.

Can the TMS grow with your business?

Of course, you will be seeking freight broker software that will solve your immediate problems. But what solving future problems? Don’t be afraid to ask the software vendor if you will be able to add modules as your company continues to grow. You want software that will ensure your company’s needs are well met.

How much will it cost?

Will you be charged for installation, tech support, software updates, training and additional modules? You want to make sure that the quote you receive from a software vendor includes the total cost of your TMS.

Will the software company be around in the future?

Software companies come and go regardless of how great their product looks. You want to choose a software company that solid and reputable history. Research the company’s reputation for customer service and satisfaction. Google Reviews and Yelp often have customer reviews. Companies will usually have a Testimonials section on their website as well.
Sometimes trying out software is the only way to really know if it is a fit for your business needs. Ask vendors if they offer a free trial or demo. Test out different freight management systems and weigh your options. Know what you are looking for in software. Ask as many questions as possible, take notes. How does the software feel to you? Does the functionality fit your goals? Does it really improve your productivity?
Remember, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all transportation management system. So, don’t be afraid to test out many software before you make your final decision to purchase. Also, don’t be afraid to ask others in your industry which software they use and why.
Image: Pexels

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