Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.
Since Logitude’s SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.
This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced.

New Features

QuickBooks Integration – Pilot Stage

The integration of Logitude’s Accounts Receivable with the QuickBooks accounting software is now complete, so that our customers can connect their receivable invoices to QuickBooks. To start working with the pilot version, please contact us.

e-AWB and e-Booking Packages Live in HTML5

We have completed migrating Logitude e-AWB from Silverlight to HTML5. The HTML5 version has been successfully running for some months now. This new technology allows our customers to use different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Opera, and enjoy the benefits of better performance in their work environment.
The pilot version of the HTML5 environment is already available for the Business Package customers. To start working with it, please contact us.

Credit Limit Management

A new mechanism has been developed to let you set a credit limit per customer. It will help you define credit limit information relating to your customers and manage the limitations when the set amounts are exceeded. This mechanism which can affect different areas of the system is currently applied to invoice creation. For more details please contact us.

New Document Templates

The following document templates have been added to Logitude’s Document Library:

  • Cover page: a new template for the cover page document in English.

For the Ethiopian Market

  • Payment Request Summary: a document sent to the client in order to collect the amount that the freight forwarder paid to the carrier on its behalf.
  • Invoice Attachment: a document attached with the actual invoice, received from government authorities, including the invoice number.

Enhanced Features

Outlook Connection

The following improvements have been introduced to the Outlook Connection Add-In:

  • New look – tab format: The displays of entity records (Customers, Shipments, Opportunities and Quotes) are now organized in tabs for easier and more intuitive access.
  • Integration with shipments: Outlook Connection now integrates Outlook documents (attachments) with shipment records in Logitude. The document icons in Outlook Connection match those in the Docs In tab of shipment records. Outlook Connection displays the attachments in an email in the following order: email content, PDF, Word, and then all other files.
  • Access based on role permissions: Access to entity records via Outlook Connection is controlled via users’ role permissions.

Contact us to get the updated version of the Outlook Connection Add-In.

Copying Pre-Carriage and On Carriage Details

The Copy Shipment option has been improved so that in addition to main carriage, pickup and delivery routings, you can now also copy the pre-carriage and on carriage routings of your direct and house shipments.

Shared Logistics – Routings Information

The shipment routing information available for invited customers has been enhanced to also show the city of the selected delivery to partner, along with the country name.

Group Charges Adjustments

The Group Code in the Charge Types table can now be edited in order to modify the group name and the description.

Notes in Multiple Languages

The Operational Notes field in Shipments is no more restricted to the English Language.

Exception Resolved Description

The size of the Exception Resolved Description field in shipments has been increased to accommodate 500 characters (instead of just 250).

Customs Clearance Status

Via the shipment Events option it is possible to record manually an event for Customs Clearance, which in turn automatically updates the shipment Status to “cleared”.

Events Sorting

The shipment event logs that can be printed via mail message templates like Events Statuses Update, can now be sorted in descending order of log dates and times.

New Filters in Shipment Views

The following filters have been added to Shipment views for filtering shipment records:

  • Next ETD: works like the Next ETD query column.
  • Pre-carriage date filters: for filtering shipments by expected and actual departure and arrival dates (ETD, ATD, ETA and ATA) of the pre-carriage routings.
  • On-carriage date filters: for filtering shipments by expected and actual departure and arrival dates (ETD, ATD, ETA and ATA) of the on-carriage routings.

New Variables in Documents

Several new variables have been added to different documents:

  • House and Master Numbers: can be added to the invoice mail templates.
  • Booking Confirmation Number: can be shown on the receivable invoice templates.
  • Vendor Bank Details (Bank Name, Bank Address, Bank Account, IBAN Number and Swift Code): can be printed on the payable invoice templates.
  • Temperature, Agent Primary Contact Details and Main Carriage ETD: can be printed on the forwarder’s bill of lading document.
  • Salesman, Incoterm and Total Expenses: can display on the booking confirmation document.
  • Interline Name and Address: can display on the AWB documents.
  • Freight Forwarder Name and Address: can be printed on the Shipping Declaration Document.
  • Shipment Notes, Agent Name, Full Routing Details and Total Packages Quantity: can be displayed on the Pre-Alert template.

To add these variables to your templates, contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you!

New Help & Training Resources

The Help Center is continually enriched with helpful training materials that provide answers to your inquiries and help you better understand the system’s features. The following have been added recently:

  • New version of the e-AWB Tutorial – Updated with new features.
  • New versions of all of the CRM documents – Updated with new options and screenshots.
  • New version of the Logitude Outlook Connection document – Updated with the new look and features.
  • French version of the How to Manage Users


Contact Information

For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.
For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please contact: support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.
For Sales, please contact: info@logitudeworld.com
Happy New Release!
The Logitude World Team

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Logitude World ofrece a los agentes de cargo un software de gestión de mercancías para administrar todas las operaciones en una plataforma digital y prestar servicios superiores de carga.

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